Fourth Generation Ranch...

This is a fourth generation ranch of the Home Gun family. It is a Native owned and operated ranch and one of the few left since the allotment days. Clyde's relatives were here before the settlers came and have managed to keep this ranch in existence despite the difficulties. There are buildings on the property that date back to when the native people went from living in their tipis to the log cabin. There is a lot of American history here from the native perspective and it is a beautiful place to visit full of views, wildlife, history and good stories for those who are interested in learning more of the native perspective. We welcome you. 

Learn more about this land:
Neighbors Glacier Park to the west, Canada to the north, is on the Blackfeet Tribal Nation, spectacular views of White Calf, Hudson Bay, Red Eagle, and Mad Wolf mountains, Fishing Cut Bank Creek and Milk River, grassy meadows, wildlife, pet friendly, primitive, rural, trees, creeks

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Home Gun Primitive Campground

Off of Montana Hwy 89

at Mile Marker 21 

This campground is at Mile marker 21 on Hwy 89 between Browning, MT and Saint Mary’s, MT

Rules & Regulations

  1. Quiet hours are from 11 PM to 6 AM. 
  2. Pets must be on a leash and may not run unattended. Pet feces must be picked up by owners. Pets will not be left alone on grounds while owner goes boating, swimming, to town, etc. 
  3. Do not leave campgrounds unattended. 
  4. Absolutely no weapons allowed. 
  5. Do not cut any live vegetation or trees. Firewood is available for sale. 
  6. Alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited in all areas of the campgrounds. 
  7.  All vehicles, trailers, etc. are subject to search. 
  8. Checkout time for campers is 2PM unless registered for the night. 
  9. Leaving a camp unattended for a period of 24 HRS or longer is a regulations violation. 
  10. ATV is allowable, but must follow a speed limit of 10 MPH. 
  11. The use of fireworks is prohibited. 
  12.  Staff and law enforcement officials are authorized to immediately remove a person or persons that violated rules, threaten, endanger human health and safety, cause property damage or are a nuisance to others, and/or under the influence. 
  13. Violation of regulations may result in the immediate removal from campground and the loss of privilege to enter and use area in the future. 
  14. Tribal members only have the right to berry picking. 
  15. If in doubt or questions arise, ask the manager. 
  16. Home Gun Primitive Campground is not responsible for accidents, injury, theft, or encounters with wildlife that would cause bodily injury or worst. 
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